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Girl Next Door

Posted by: Age: teens Posted on: 3 comments
4 likes 8452 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: licking, stroking
Trying new things with the neighbor girl.....

Many years ago I began learning about sex with the help of my neighbor. I don't remember how it started but it went on for a long time. Our sessions were usually just me touching, rubbing and licking her pussy while I was stroking my cock. She didn't allow much else but loved to be licked. I would get so hard licking her sweet pussy, even though I didn't know what I was doing, I would do it for what seemed like hours. Many days I would cum so hard while my tongue was on her pussy. I didn't know what a clit was then but I knew what she liked and spent much of my time licking what I would later learn was it. There was a couple of times when more would happen. Once I managed to get her to touch me and even gave my cock a little kiss. The other, we were both so horny, I spread her legs and tried to fuck her but she was still too tight. Instead I rubbed my rock hard cock over her wet slit, mixing my precum with her juices, until I shot stream after stream of cum over her belly.



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